I highly advise that you do not ask this deck the same question too many times, it will give you the wrong response. The first 2 throws is your most accurate response.
You are allowed to read reversals in the deck, this works better for more experienced readers. Upside is simply the opposite of the upright meaning.
Do not read the deck if you are emotional or doubtful. Make sure that you are in a calm And centered place.
Understand that there is a difference between someone’s feelings and intentions. Feelings is someone’s emotions about you, not what they intend on doing with you.
You may see allot of flowers come out if you ask how a certain person feels about you. They gave good feelings and like you.
When you ask what are their intentions. The cards may show they have no interest in serious relationship, but they like you.
It’s good to ask 1 solid time, does ERZULIE Freda approve of this relationship. Again, ask her 1 time, do not exhaust the deck. She will tell you the truth.
3 card spreads- yes. You can read in three card spreads that will give an overview of the situation.
Past present And future- yes you can read to see how things will play out.
I have allot of flowers in my layout
Flowers are good to have in your throw, it shows that there is something blossoming there, but it does not always mean that it is a good match. It can be showing current feelings, but not where the relationship is going to go.
Magic questions! Ask the deck these important questions
Disrespectful- rude, arguing, negative talk
HAVE PATIENCE- wait, moving slow, wait and see
Obsession- fixated on something, wishing for something, refusing to let go
Cheap- financially tight, emotionally unavailable, not willing to give
Cheating- dating or talking to other people. Other parties involved, an affair
Deep connection- connection, harmony, glow.
You both compliment each other- good match, cute couple,
Closed heart- guarding their heart, not open to love, scared to love
Fantasy world- delusional, unrealistic, not seeing the truth.
Sssneaky- secrets, hidden agenda, private
Resting- taking a break, tired, go rest
Generous- giving, helpful, open heart.
Blessings- good favor, abundance, a baby
Keep dating- they are not the one, keep looking, dating other people
Have fun- not serious, good times, playful
Not looking for love- closed to love, not interested, love ends
Good communication- good conversation, mutual understanding, alignment .
Predator- looking around, dating, Wolfe in sheep’s clothing
Motherhood- pregnancy, child’s mother, new start.
Chemistry- connection, feelings, attraction,
Evil eye- haters, I’ll will, negative energy
Sugar Mama- older woman, cougar, a more experienced woman.
Playboy- womanizer, just dating, looking for sex
Freaky- sexually open, wild sex, fetish
Gentleman- well mannered, respectful, courting
Social media- internet, cellphone, computer
Beautification- attractive, attracting, beautifying yourself.
String foundation- common ground, strong stability, serious.
Travel- moving around, locations, international.
Commitment- dating, serious relationship, engaged, marriage.
Long term- serious relationship, commitment, old flame, ex,
Look deeper- pay attention, investigate, open your eyes, stalking.